Lee shotshell reloader may not be complete
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Auction Date: Saturday September 14th
Auction Time: 9AM
Auction Type: Hunting, Firearms and so much more
Location: Wyoming County Fairgrounds
9141 US 6, Meshoppen, PA
Highlights: Fine Collection of Weatherby Mark Vs, Ruger M77s, No, 1s, No. 3s, Winchester 70s, and more. Highlights include; Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster in .224 WBY Magnum. Weatherby Mark V Lazermark in .300 WBY Magnum. Pre 64 Winchester model 70 in 338 Win Mag. Ruger M77 Red pad Tang safety 22-250 rem. Ruger No.1 in 25-06. Ruger No. 3 in 22 Hornet. Remington rifles and shotguns with the original boxes, nice selection of black powder rifles in 32 cal to 50 cal, Consignments also include a selection of US and foreign military arms. Reloading Tools and Components, Ammo, Advertising pieces, Stocks, Scopes, and more
General Terms: Buyer’s Premium for cash or good check - 10% on all items with a 3% convenience fee for credit card. Internet Buyer’s Premium 15%
Meshoppen, Pennsylvania 18630
United States